Endoglobe presents a live surgery environment focusing on novel techniques and technologies in end urological, laparoscopic and robotic-assisted…
Dr Evangelos Liatsikos is the Chairman of the European Association of Urology Section of Uro- Technology (ESUT). He is a Professor of Urology…
Endoglobe’s vision is to create an interactive easily accessible online environment, where attendees, sponsors, students, physicians or patients can have access to a plethora of information via different tools as well as though live education, in regards to all endoscopic – laparoscopic – robotic procedures.
Our aim is to offer global services to a large and diverse audience through our interactive platform, to bring stakeholders closer using our continuously evolving technology, and to maximize ROI via virtual and hybrid events.
A list of live transmissions of all endoscopic, laparoscopic and robotic urologic procedures will be available
A standardized approach will be provided for all our surgical training
Patients can communicate with us for more details regarding their questions. We will be glad to help
All new technology will be available for our audience
Endoglobe’s Team is ready to assist you in any specific enquiry you will require for your future operation. Please place your question in this field and our team will respond to you shortly.